On the 3rd of November (yes, back in 2009!)
lovely Anne over at andamento awarded me with two awards ~
the Lemonade Award for “seeing blessings where they’re not obvious and making lemonade instead of complaining about sour lemons” and
the Kreativ Blogger award.
I told her then I could only accept the first one as I didn't find myself particularly creative
(although I have become quite creative lately)
and started thinking about things I'm grateful for;
this is a list of things I needed to write in order to receive the award ~
this was the easy part;the tough part was I needed to nominate some of my friends for the award too. I thought and thought
"how on earth am I going to choose?".
This got me thinking about blog friends
and how valuable a part they (you!) are in my life
and ended up with the decision that I simply couldn't choose. I know it's for fun and it doesn't mean that if I nominate someone, I like them more than the others but still...
* * * * *
Back in the present,awarded me
a Happiness 101 blog award
and got me thinking about that again.
Meanwhile, I was missing out on all the fun of listing ten things
that make me happy.
I was making a mental list that could not, however, share with you
when it dawned on me :
is this a rule abiding sphere with strict regulations or
one which is meant to be fun and sensitive and caring
with no other rules other than the obvious of respecting others and everything that's involved in it?
Is it ok for me to make my lists and
pass the awards to everyone who doesn't have them?
Blogging is partly (or mostly rather) about sharing,
Take Care!
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Please follow the link on my Simple Things button! It's for a great cause!