Sunday, 26 June 2011


~ despite the chaos all around me
~ despite the fact that there are easter decorations in the living room
~ despite the unbelievable number of boxes and suitcases i need to unpack
~ despite not having the faintest idea where to begin from and how to organise everything...

it's good to be home!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

this is it!

            (from the kindergarten end-of-year play)

The time has come; we're packing!
We're going home - hopefully, not only for the summer!

I think one of the wisest decisions I made when we first came here in September was to opt for the fastest internet connection around here.

I'm so grateful I discovered blogging about two years ago. You all kept me great company, especially over the long winter months; and they were really long at times!

Autumn was better, with the explorations and walks by the river!

Now we're more than ready to go back home.
I have big (inexpensive) plans for this summer. I'm thinking of changing the colour schemes in our place; make everything brighter. And since crocheting is out of the question for the summer (too hot for this), sewing a couple of throws sounds like a good plan to me. It's high time I finished this one for instance; I bought the fabrics last August!

Ok then! I sorted all my books and work stuff yesterday.
Now I need to go declutter my son's toys. This is a tricky one: if I do it with him, he'll want to keep everything; if I do it on my own, it won't be fair to him. I think I'll go half-way and do the first round on my own (discreetly) and then call him over.

Take Care!
I'll talk to you next week from the headquarters.

(PS. Lucy, if you're reading this, I can't leave a comment on your blog; I tried everything, but blogger doesn't 'see' me in this comment layout. That's why I changed to a pop-up window)

Friday, 17 June 2011


I've been  living in a whirlwind lately.
The visit home was great (though emotionally intense on the day of my mum's memorial service). There was time for slowing down, time for seeing friends, time for attending an end-of-school-year event at our neighbourhood...

However, since we came back here on Monday, our time has been filled with commitments: end-of-year events at our schools, going out with the teachers from one school, then the other, and later today with my son's teachers...
At the same time, I've been waiting for job-related news for ages; and when the criteria by which it will be decided who will be transferred where were finally announced, I felt the earth move under my feet; there's a chance I'll need to be here again in september (for the next school year) and we'll only find out late august! So we decided to keep the flat until we know for sure. I explained the situation to our landlords and they said that was fine but then there was a mix up with their daughter and now we have to move!
Are you still here? I wouldn't blame you if you weren't!
I tell myself that every obstacle has a reason and things usually turn out for the best, but still I feel numb at times and dizzy at others.
So now, instead of packing our clothes and leaving on Tuesday, I  have to pack everything and move next weekend.
Seeking distraction, I was reaquainted with my sewing machine. I made two hearts for my son's teachers. Choosing fabrics, ribbons and buttons was really relaxing; little one helped me with the colours and I have to say I am thrilled at how they turned out.

Meanwhile, my son's first tooth will soon fall out and I had to act fast; you see, I promised I'd make him a cushion for the fairy to find his tooth in and leave him some seeds in exchange (an idea I came across in a blog, of course) but never actually got round to making it. I knew I was going to use his old sleeping bag(? - no idea how these things toddlers sleep in so they won't get cold are called!) and it took me about ten minutes to make it. I'm astonished at how happy this little cushion has made him! He hugs it all the time and he's even put his regular pillow aside and is now napping with this one. Amazing!

Hope I haven't bored you with all this!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

the value of being prepared

(image courtesy of my son's file)

Here's one thing you may not know about me.
I'm a very spontaneous person and when it comes to the way I react to information I'm given, this trait of mine has often got me in trouble; not because I'm wrong, but because I'm honest; I can't pretend, not when being caught off guard. 
On the other hand, I can be very diplomatic if I get a chance to think things through (we're talking about Oscar-winning performances at times)
Remember the issues at work I mentioned last week?  Someone wanted to manipulate me and I was furious at first but I was wise enough to take time to think and plan and I finally had things done my way, sounding very polite and obliging (' I really wish I could help you with that but you see I've already...' !)
What made the difference? I was told what was being planned behind my back (thank you little one's teacher!)

On a different note, I've got good news to share.
I'm going home today for five whole days! I've taken a leave for Friday because I need to go to my village and do the preparations for my mum's two-year memorial service on Saturday. But I'm lucky it seems, as Monday is a bank holiday and tomorrow schools are closed in my area because of a teacher's meeting I don't really have to attend.
How's that for a mood lifter?

I'll 'see' you next week; I need to stop by your places; I've been reading quietly lately and I think it's time I waved 'hello'!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

the shell seekers

The past few months, I've bought quite a lot of books.
I discovered that buying books online is far cheaper than buying from a bookstore here, plus, in this small village I am now, it doesn't take a whole morning of queueing at the post office to collect a parcel as it does in the city. Most of these books are already back home, where I took them last time I went there.
So, once again, I'm reading The Shell Seekers.
There's something about this book, that gives me enormous pleasure...
the setting, the characters, the flashbacks in time...
And although I've read it so many times, I never feel bored; I never skip a single page. I devour it!

What's one book you've read again and again and never get tired of it?

Monday, 6 June 2011

13 years ago...

...hubby and I embarked on an adventure called 'family'.
There were ups and downs,
but we're still here, with our bond stronger than ever.

Sunday, 5 June 2011


finding comfort in the little things
seems like the wise thing to do...

having coffee
smelling the roses
smiling at the sight of something made for you with love
reading a book you've read many times before

hope you're having a wonderful sunday

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


{ via here }

~~ you might be wondering
why i've been so quiet lately ~~

~ it's because i've nothing to say:
~ i don't read much
~ i don't go out on walks much
~ i don't crochet
~ i don't sew
~ i don't feel like talking
~ i've been thinking a lot
~ i'm very disappointed because of some issues i'm dealing with at work
~ i'm missing my husband so very much
~ i just want to go home

~~  of course, not everything is bad ~~
~  i'm very happy with the closeness my son and i share
~ my dad's here to keep us company
~ we're all -physically- healthy
~it's twenty more days before we go home

~~ hope you all have a wonderful month ~~