lately, it feels like life is slipping through my fingers.
all we do around here is work and study.
no time to play or have fun on weekdays!
i still get excited when the time of year for spring bulbs arrives -
i'm a sucker for spring, don't forget-
and i'm over the moon when i get a parcel in the mail,
even if it's something i ordered.
and if you ask my little one, he won't complain for lack of
weekend activities - plays etc.
but a new reality has slowly set in.
i looked at my paperwhite today,
and thought that these should be the last plants i buy for a while.
i smile when i see my extremely cute, yet totally unnecessary, shabby-chic rabbit and mouse toys on my bedside table -yes, i really need to
stay away from etsy.
books and entertainment for my little guy
will be the last fortress to fall,
even if i have to eat pasta and rice every day.
- besides, i love pasta! ;)
oh, well! it's the weekend.
i'm sure i'll find something fun for us to do.
i wish i had more time to blog.
i feel better already.
take care!