Hello and welcome to my 100th post!
Wow! 100!
All these words, photos, comments!
I can't believe how easy it has become to share parts of your life with so many people,
and at the same time learn about their lives as well!
Blogging has made me appreciate the little things more,
helped me learn to notice the details,
find beauty even in the darkest days.
It has travelled me to places I can't visit -at least not for now,
and revealed to me how people -women- all over the world live and think.
It has even led me to the discovery of some aspects of myself that had remained dormant before;
creative ones, that is: photography (if only I had a better camera!), crafts, crochet...
I would never have thought of taking a photo of my newly- bought pjs before, for example,
but about an hour ago I had so much fun arranging some treats I bought for myself today for a 'photo-shoot'!
Blogging has its drawbacks of course, too!
If you could see behind where I'm sitting right now, you'd see tons of ironing to be done.
Ah, well! I won't spoil the fun by talking about housework.
Now, for the swap. As I don't see many ladies interested in this,
I'm changing it into a giveaway, which was my original idea
(just thought the swap would be more fun).
Soooooo, if you want to receive a parcel from me,
with some stationery
and a surprise flowery gift,
leave a note here;
and could you please make my day by telling me what you like about my blog?
My little one will draw a name next Wednesday.
Thank you all so much for reading
and being here not only when there are flowers around
but most importantly when there are tears.
Happy 100th! I love that your blog is a window into the faraway world of a friend I've never met :)
Hi Yiota,
Congratulations on your 100th post! I missed the post about the swap but I would be happy to take part in one instead of a giveaway if you still wanted to! You decide! I like your blog because it is varied and you are honest. You let us see intriguing glimpses of your life and I love it when you share art from children-yours and others! Keep on blogging!
Sarah x
I am so proud for being your friend through these months and I've been learning a lot through your posts, photos ...
I love your blog because here I can find peace of mind, always good and heartwarming thoughts :)
Thank you so much for sharing your life with us and bringing some light and inspiration to our lives.
Love and blessings,
Congratulations on your 100th - we must have started about the same time as I celebrated my 100th recently too. It's amazing isn't it that we have met so many lovely friends via the blogs. I am still up for the swap if you change your mind and get some more interest but if not then the giveaway sounds good too! I enjoy reading your blog because as Sarah says your honesty shines through and you have good days and bad days which is always reassuring to the rest of us who might otherwise think that we are the only ones who get down times! Keep posting we love you!
Jane x
100 wonderful glimpses of beauty! Thank you so much for bring this loveliness out to the world!
You are so right about blogging - it gives the opportunity to 'meet' other folks, glimpse into their lives and homes and find so much in common. Your blog is so pretty and optimistic - despite being where you'd rather not be - and I know how that feels! - you manage to be cheerful and obliging and creative. Great stuff!
A 100 posts,congratulations!
I know what you mean about having a photo shoot.
I love your friendliness, and reading through your other comments, I have to agree it's your optimism and honesty that I particularly admire, and the fact that you live in a different part of the world.
Enjoy your giveaway and your weekend.
Congratulations Yiota on your 100th post. It is always a treat for me when I see you have blogged.
I will have to miss this Spring swap or giveaway ~ but maybe next year you will do it again as I would love to do it, and maybe then I could!
Happy 100th blog birthday! If you still want to do the swap, I am still "up for it" but I can understand that you do not have enough people for it.
What I like about your blog is that it is friendly and varied and I particularly like it when you talk about books and poetry.
Lucy xxxxx
Huge congratulations on hitting 100 posts - really feels like a milestone doesn't it? I was so pleased when I hit it. So a massive well done!
I love your very personal touch of your blog. Even though I haven't been here long I really feel like I am getting to know you as a person, which I really enjoy.
I love that it's always so CHEERFUL!!!! I always feel like I leave with something I didn't have before I visited: a perspective, a view of Greece, and idea, a pretty thought....
Happy 100th!
Happy 100th posts! Sorry I'm a little late in commenting. Here's to the next one hundred!
Congratulations on your 100th. That's a wonderful accomplishment.
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