Friday 18 May 2012

have moved down under

It's been so unbelievably cold these days,
it feels like October!

I had to take my tomato seedlings inside
 to protect them from the cold and the wind.
I started dreaming of dryers again.
I have so much  laundry to do and no idea where to dry it!
Just when you think you don't need socks anymore...

Anyway, it's Friday afternoon and we have the whole weekend ahead;
the weatherman said that we 'll get our spring back soon
so it's all good.

I'm making some cupcakes with my super fast cupcake maker
as soon as I go offline;
Friday afternoon = coffee + cake + crochet. Nice!

Weather permitting, I'm planning to spend some happy time
surrounded by pots, compost, flower seedlings and, of course,
my precious helper tomorrow!

I'm leaving you today
with my beautiful amaryllis, which is exactly as old as my son;
it is now two plants since I separated the two bulbs that were formed
and planted them again in autumn. Clever me!

Have a great weekend!


Raindrops and Daisies said...

Have a lovely weekend Yiota.

Cold, wet and windy here in Ireland so am sure it can't be as bad in your part of the world (can it?)

Enjoy spending time with your little helper.

Nice to see you blogging again.


Anonymous said...

the amaryllis is beautiful

Relyn Lawson said...

It may be chilly, but your warm heart and happy plans bring sunshine every day. I just know it.

Relyn Lawson said...

Hello, my old friend.

You know how life gets busy and you loose track of blogger friends? And then something sparks and you search them out?
And you find that you love them as much as ever?
That's me.
And you.

Hello, old friend.