Wednesday 5 August 2009

How do they do it?

The day started very simply and quietly with the morning milk and cartoons for my son - who's changed a lot these past few days and he's calm and cooperative most of the time- and coffee and blogging for me. We had a visit to the supermarket planned and some ironing for me while he would play with his new toys (I bought him puzzles and clay and some relatives brought him a racetrack with Lightning McQueen).
I was halfway through my mug when a neighbour called (a pre-schoolmate's mother) asking if they could come. I said 'yes, of course' as I want him to get together with other kids so they came. At first, they didn't get along well as they are not good at sharing -the only-child syndrome I guess- but after a while they discovered the Punch and Judy box and played just fine with the puppets.
While this was in progress (and the flat was full of toys - but who cares if the children are having a good time, right? Right), the phone rang. It was my sister-in-law asking if she could bring my niece over as she had to go somewhere unexpectedly. I was at home so I was glad to look after her; she's adorable! Only problem is she's 10 months old and my flat is not a 'fortress' for crawling babies anymore.
After my son's friend and her mother left, I found myself having a baby that I couldn't leave unattended, my (I admit) jealous son and a meal to prepare for both. Luckily, I had started boiling some meat which, when the baby eventually napped on my couch-transformed to a 'baby-cot' with chairs and pillows, I turned into a healthy vegetable soup for both.
Now I'm left with a flat full of toys, no energy to pick them up, no shopping done, no ironing done. And I wonder: how do women with two, three, four... children do that every day?
Thank God for little favours:it's now 4.30 pm and my son is napping.

The gift tags and the card are my cutie findings at the toy shop we went yesterday.


Anonymous said...

my unsolicited advice - leave the toys for the day as they are. breathe, rest and revive yourself first. i have two children, and often wonder about how mothers with more kids cope too.

MYstory of HIStory said...

somethin' tells me many do not do it as well as you :)

& what cute gift tags!

Dawn said...

Usually women with lots of children learn to have a more relaxed view of what's tidy and clean.

...Nina Nixon... said...

Hi Yiota,

I can whole heartedly sympathise - being a mum of three, well lets just say 'I don't' really cope that well more like muddle along.

Have a lovely day and 'hello' in return.

Nina x

Unknown said...

What a crazy day! I am glad you survived and I hope you have a nice glass of wine this evening. It would have been a great day for the children. So quickly a house stops being 'childproofed' until the next crawling baby comes along!

Yiota said...

Thank you all for responding!

Kamana, I took your advice and feel better today, more energetic. Thanks!