Monday 15 November 2010

focusing on the bright side (and interviews update)

monday evening finds me at my little corner of the world,
at this small village near the country borders.
the weekend was full of social visits and other commitments;
lots and lots of cooking, too - hubby now has a freezer packed with healthy, homemade dishes to last him for a while.

despite all this craze, i did manage to catch a glimpse or two of my christmas cactus ~ we call it 'patience' here, remember?
this is what it looked like ten days ago.

i was lucky enough to be at home again this weekend to witness its full bloom;
i took these photos yesterday.

there won't be any blooms left when i go back for christmas

and i'm so grateful for this perfect timing!


now, for the interviews;
i need to send a couple of e-mails with some questions i have and then i'll let you know who you'll be interviewing and interviewed by - that will probably be my next post.
of course there's no deadline, anyone can join, whenever...
so... sharpen your pencils and get ready for the fun!


take care!



jabblog said...

Yours is the second Christmas cactus I've seen today - and now I know I really MUST have one - haven't had one for years, but they're so generous and colourful:-)

Marigold Jam said...

I have a huge cactus which began as a tiny plant given to us on our first Christmas as a married couple nearly 38 years ago! Hope yours does as well for you. Looking forward to seeing who I am to be paired with in the interviewing.


PS Think of you often when I use my pretty pillowslips and towels and the notelets are proving so useful.

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

Your cactus is lovely. Mine did not bloom last year. I'm hoping it does this year, or I'll be really worried.

Cassie said...

What a beautiful flower, it amazing just how pretty cactus flowers are considering how harsh looking they can be.

Hope your week is a good one.

Short Poems said...

beautiful flower :)

Relyn Lawson said...

YES! I'd say those blooms were worth waiting a year for.