Yesterday my son and I went to the city centre by bus. When we do that, we talk a lot about the buildings, shops, vehicles and other interesting things we see; it's something we can't always do when I drive him to places. At some- silent -point, little one looked at me and asked out of the blue :'Mum, how much is 3+5?'. 'Where did that come from?', I thought and answered. When he heard 8, he looked astonished and said ' Wow! Eeeeeight! I don't believe it!' Only God knows what he was thinking. At his age, I'm satisfied that he can count 1-10, sometimes more and recognize some of the numbers. But addition???!!!
some kids are just good with numbers. my daughter loves her numbers, and is always quizzing me like your son has done. when she was little, one of her favourite activities was counting beans. she would do it for hours and not get bored. at her routine check when she was 24 months, the nurse was astonished when we told her she could count to 20 and beyond. her calculations always amaze me... but then anything to do with numbers always does, cos i am just hopeless with them. encourage your son, and develop his love for numbers.
That's so funny! Isn't maths miraculous!
A blooming mathemetician!
That's a funny story! I love it when the kids I teach come out with things I would never have given them credit for knowing-shows how much we really know about what they are thinking!
It is so fun to see their big eyes get BIGGER when they learn something new. It's a magical time - when simple things are simply fascinating :) Enjoy him.
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